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Orario abituale (1º Gen al 31º Dic)

07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
07:00 a 18:30
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Negozi nelle vicinanze

Puoi trovare altre insegne o negozi nei dintorni comeMigrolino Zürich - Thurgauerstrasse - Stazione di servizio a solo 0.5 km, Migrol Service Zh-Thurg a solo 0.5 km, Posta Glattpark (Opfikon) - Filiale a solo 0.5 km, Medbase Apotheke Seebach a solo 0.5 km, TopPharm Glattpark Apotheke a solo 0.5 km.
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La tua opinione e i tuoi commenti ci interessano:

  • Bobar Müller Avatar
    Bobar Müller - 4 anni fa
    I received a quick, professional and personal response to my inquiry. I was especially pleased with the transparent pricing.

  • Peter Köller Avatar
    Peter Köller - 4 anni fa
    Très grand professionnel! Très grand professionnel (sécurité / enquêtes, sécurité au travail, gardiennage).

  • Frillix - Gritli Wyss Avatar
    Frillix - Gritli Wyss - 4 anni fa
    Global Excellence in security, investigations and defence Very good swiss security and investigations company which has partnerships with Global players in the US, EMEA, EU. The new Defence Solutions portfolio for governments, local communities, police and army is promising. Great job guys.

  • BFVSSP Schweiz Avatar
    BFVSSP Schweiz - 4 anni fa
    Risk Management, Emergency Management, Security Services, Safety Services, Investigative & Intelligence Services Bewertung für Risikoanalyse, Riskmanagement, Notfallmanagement und gleichzeitig für die Security Services, Safety Services and Investigation Services. Vielen Dank!

  • Harry Williams Avatar
    Harry Williams - 4 anni fa
    Investigation & Security plus Cyber-Investigation Services Today investigative services are almost not possible without cyber-investigation services, this combination is a win-win for clients of Swiss Security Solutions. I have to say, that today Risk Management and Risk Assessments which are a part of Security and Safety Services for people or objects also can not be done without cyber-investigations. It is just a must.

  • Sandra Ivona Guzman Avatar
    Sandra Ivona Guzman - 4 anni fa
    Vielen herzlichen Dank. Die Ermittlungen im Bereich Beziehungsangelegenheiten und betr. sozialen Umgangs von Jugendlichen waren für mich Tip Top. Sehr Empfehlbar.

  • Persa Witschi Avatar
    Persa Witschi - 4 anni fa
    Sehr seriöse Sicherheitsdienst & Detektei. Kompetente Aufnahme & Abwicklung meines Auftrags. Stets erreichbar und bemüht meine Fragen zu beantworten! Vielen Dank, immer wieder gerne! - Very serious security & detective agency. Competent admission & completion of my order. Always available and always trying to answer my questions! Many thanks, again and again gladly!